That show last night was too good! I have to admit… I love to hate that show! Let’s get to this morning tea!
Joseline was reportedly attacked lastnight after a viewing party for episode 3. Supposedly, Joseline was approached by a chick that questioned her about Stevie J and an alleged abortion to come in the next episode. Joseline brushed the girl off and ignored the question, but as she was walking off, she was hit!
Unh-unh! These chicks in Atlanta have redefined ignorance and childishness. We’re all grown, why hit that woman? You’re looking for your 15 minutes of fame and all you’re going to get is hours worth of booking and awaiting bail because that’s a crime.
But moving right along… K. Michelle blew me away. That girl can really sing and Bury My Heart is a nice song. I love how her live singing was something like a blues session. What I didn’t like was her telling the crowd, “This song is about my heartache from a break up. You know how ya’ll men do- hurt everybody.”*Crickets* You have to stop with that “woman scorned” talk everywhere you go.
Lady you have an audience full of men and I highly doubt that’s how you win them over. But hey Bryan Michael Cox, who we all love, has signed her so a new record deal is on the way. I think she’ll do good as long as she stops running through record execs’ offices like a banshee.
Rasheeda and Kirk ,her husband, are too cute. Their relationship helps me understand love. Listen. They are clearly opposites. And to some it looks like Rasheeda runs things and wears the pants. But look a little closer. Kirk is clearly in control, but understands he has a strong wife who is aggressive so he allows her to have her way on some things to keep her feeling empowered and motivated.
Good lawd! I have found the key!
I want to see Rasheeda get another hit so she can continue to be blessed with those royalty checks. I can see how much pressure is on these two.
Even though I know Erica and Lil Scrappy are just trying to work on it for the child I’m really pulling for them. I love Erica. I was a little upset that she got all dressed up in that lingerie with 50 lit candles like the electricity was cut off and he drops the bomb that he’s still moving. I’m surprised she didn’t pour that hot candle wax on the back of his head.
I think I’m pulling for Erica because we all know what it’s like to have a man you’re so inlove with, but it just can’t seem to work out. But because you can’t get over this man you wait- and hope that time will bring him back and his experiences will prove to him- you’re the one…
Erica! Look! Lil Scrappy wants to be out in the streets with the likes of Shay “Buckee” Johnson aka Flava Flav‘s old boo. So you just stay down and wait. I can’t wait to see who you’re going to date after this cause I know the ballers like those back rubs and oil on those big feet!
Mimi, Stevie J, and Joseline are your average couple today. You have a baby mama who’s still attached and just comfortable with being with and sleeping with the baby daddy even though she knows he’s in the streets and they will never be in a committed relationship. You have the side chick who might as well be the main chick because that’s who he spends all his time with and tells all those bedroom lies to and most often times they pop up pregnant and contemplate abortions. Then you have the scum bucket male who sits back and relaxes while he plays mind games with both of them and looks like a player.
But Stevie J creeps me out. I’ve met him and he seemed cool, nothing like this “Dolemite” he plays on TV. The way he talks to these women and the way he keeps throwing drinks on Joseline is absolutely ridiculous. Then he keeps telling that poor “slow” girl he’s going to send her back to the strip club. He is a nightmare! Ladies if you recognize any of this in your relationship- RUN!
The part I don’t get is- Stevie J told Joseline- “I have papers on you for life!” WHAT??? I’m wondering if she’s an immigrant here trying to get a VISA or something! This is getting crazy!
Well… Until next time… Make sure you’re just watching this mess and not living this mess!